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Dermatology & Medi Spa

Introducing the Dermatologist at Orange Grove

Dr Jaime St Catherine

Meet Our Dermatologist

Dr. Jaimee St Catherine earned a pre-graduate degree from the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, a medical degree from Spartan Health Sciences University in Saint Lucia, and completed a dermatology residency under the Universidad de Las Ciencias Médicas de La Habana in Cuba.

Dr St . Catherine completed her practical training in Florida and Illinois, USA, as well as full internship at St Jude’s Hospital, Saint Lucia.

Dr St Catherine’s Clinic is at the Orange Grove Medi Spa, working with her team for clinical, surgical and aesthetic dermatology . 

Dermatologists Diagnose And Treat Skin Disorders That Are Often A Problem In People With Diabetes.

As with all side effects of Diabetes, and uncontrolled blood sugar, dermatology skin care problems can be treated , but the main method of prevention are Lifestyle change to your daily nutrition plus daily exercise .

People with diabetes are more prone to skin infections due to several factors.
High blood sugar levels weaken the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections.
Additionally, diabetes can cause nerve damage, reducing the ability to feel pain, heat, or cold.

One major problem in diabetes, is poor blood circulation which can dry out the skin, cause swelling and numbness, or loss of sensation.
Diabetics often have tingling and itchiness in their hands, legs, feet and toes caused by diabetic neuropathy .

Keeping your skin moisturized helps to make it flexible and prevent cracks that often lead to infection. For best results, dermatologists recommend that you use a cream or ointment. A product like CeraVe, Dry Skin Relief , will provide a good moisturizing option. 

Prevent Dry Skin

Skin that’s too dry can crack, itch, and get infected.

  • Keep your skin — especially at armpits, toes, and groin — clean and dry, but moisturized .
  • Take short, lukewarm showers or baths and use mild soaps and shampoos when you wash. Skip deodorant or scented cleansers, which can be harsh on sensitive skin.
  • Moisturize if your skin is dry. The best time is right after a shower or bath, when your skin is still moist.
  • Dry well by patting gently. Don’t rub. Focus on underarms, between legs, under breasts and between toes.

Dermatological Problems In Diabetes

Does Diabetes Cause Eczema?

People who have diabetes are more prone to developing skin conditions, which can include eczema, as well as psoriasis, and similar skin infections. Aiming to keep blood sugar within your target range, as much as possible, may help prevent or reduce flare-ups of eczema, 

A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in processed foods can improve overall skin health.
Decreasing stress, and moisturizing the skin are key components of eczema care

The dermatologist at Orange Grove , will help by prescribing medications, such as a corticosteroid ointment or an antibiotic such as flucloxacillin.

There are herbal and essential oil products which can also help to relieve the symptoms and keep the skin moist .

None of these should be applied to the skin unless mixed with a carrier oil , such as virgin coconut oil
Coriander seed.
Lemon balm.
Clove bud.
Black seed.
Black pepper

Essential Oils are available in the Orange Grove Pharmacy .

Eczema And Red Light Therapy At Orange Grove Medi Spa

Lab Studies Show Red Light Therapy Improves Eczema and Reduces Itchiness. Red light therapy has also been shown to be beneficial for eczema treatment in numerous laboratory studies, especially when used in conjunction with other treatments.

Usually it takes about 6 X Thirty minute RED LIGHT treatments over two months for the benefits to fully work, along with moisturizing the skin before each session . 

Itchy Skin Caused By Diabetes

Why Does Diabetes Cause Itchy Scalp?

For diabetics, skin issues are usually because high blood-sugar levels can result in dehydrated skin, poor circulation, and a compromised immune system. The combination of dry skin and vulnerability to both bacterial and fungal infections means that diabetics can get really quite itchy scalps!

Medications which may be prescribed,by the Dermatologist, to relieve itching include mild steroid creams and antihistamine tablets.

For diabetics, skin issues are usually because high blood-sugar levels can result in dehydrated skin, poor circulation, and a compromised immune system. The combination of dry skin and vulnerability to both bacterial and fungal infections means that diabetics can get really quite itchy scalps!

Medications which may be prescribed,by the Dermatologist, to relieve itching include mild steroid creams and antihistamine tablets.

Corticosteroid topical creams can be used to relieve scalp irritation and other itching skin.
Herbal options include tea tree oil, aloe vera, and apple cider vinegar which can be used to soothe and moisturise the scalp, or skin . 

An Or Acanthosis Nigricans

This skin condition causes a velvety, darkened appearance to skin, is common in obese people with high blood sugar, and could even be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes.

Acanthosis nigricans is most commonly caused by high blood insulin levels

If the dermatologist diagnoses you with AN, you may need a blood test and other medical tests. These tests can help find out if you have any. other underlying medical conditions, of which AN is a symptom.

Rarely, it can be a sign of something more serious, such as cancer.

Acanthosis nigricans can occur at any age; however, the malignant type is usually seen only above the age of 40 years

if you have pre-diabetes, getting that under control often helps to fade the dark patches on your skin. Blood tests may find a problem with your thyroid or adrenal glands, treating that condition can clear you.

Treatment For AN Includes The Following:

Skin that’s too dry can crack, itch, and get infected.

  • Keep your skin — especially at armpits, toes, and groin — clean and dry, but moisturized .
  • Take short, lukewarm showers or baths and use mild soaps and shampoos when you wash. Skip deodorant or scented cleansers, which can be harsh on sensitive skin.
  • Moisturize if your skin is dry. The best time is right after a shower or bath, when your skin is still moist.
  • Dry well by patting gently. Don’t rub. Focus on underarms, between legs, under breasts and between toes.

Dr St Catherine , the Clinical Dermatologist at Orange Grove Clinic can diagnose and treat a full range of skin problems ,many of which can be caused by high blood pressure in Diabetes.

The Ultimate Goal Of Life

Treating the  root cause of the problem and controlling high blood sugar levels with lifestyle changes is the ultimate goal

But skin problems can be diagnosed and treated while you make the changes needed to better control your blood sugar levels and fight this chronic disease of diabetes

What other  skin conditions are associated with diabetes?

These include bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itching.

Diabetes and Your Skin

Acanthosis nigricans (AN)

Diabetic dermopathy.

Necrobiosis lipoidica.

Bullosis diabeticorum (diabetic blisters)

Eruptive xanthomatosis.

Digital sclerosis.

Bacterial infections.

Fungal infections.


The skin is the largest organ of the human body that serves a vital role in many dynamic processes that maintain balance

Your skin is made up of multiple cell types

Your skin forms an effective barrier against environmental insults from sun exposure to direct contact with chemical agents, microbes, and physical trauma and the high blood sugar problems in Diabetes.

Your Skin …….care For And Protect It The Medi Spa At Orange Grove.

Whole Body Red Light Therapy

You can now harness the incredible benefits of Red Light Therapy to revitalize your body, improve your well-being, and enhance your overall health.

This groundbreaking technology is rapidly gaining recognition for its ability to promote healing, rejuvenation, and natural beauty. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, muscle recovery, skin rejuvenation, or a boost in mood and energy, or even weight loss…. Red Light Therapy can be your key to unlocking a healthier and more vibrant you. 

Infrared Medical Sauna

This type of sauna is sometimes called a far-infrared sauna. “Far” describes where the infrared waves fall on the light spectrum.
A regular sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body.
An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you .

What does a far infrared sauna do?
This type of sauna heater emits thermal waves, absorbed by the human body.
This warmth allows the natural expansion of our capillaries, which allows our organism to increase oxygen saturation of the blood and ensures regeneration of red blood, which is very effective for detoxifying vital organs.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is an ancient practice made for the modern age.

Our Whole Body Cryotherapy (a 2 to. 3 minute session) which can help optimize sleep and defy signs of aging, reduce pain, while boosting overall energy.

Like all holistic body treatments , one session you will feel a difference , several session over 1-3 months and improvements will be more significant .

Even if you don’t like being cold, this process will rejuvenate your body, skin and mind, and you will leave feeling warmer than when you arrived.


Halo Therapy

Thirty minutes simply relaxing and breathing in our Salt Room
Halotherapy Treats Respiratory Conditions.. plus ……

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Bronchitis
  • Common cold
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Ear infection
  • Sinusitis
  • Smokers cough
  • Snoring
  • Chronic Obstructive
  • Pulmonary Disease 

Ozone Therapy

Ozone heals wounds faster. It is non-toxic, safe, and effective even for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Limb bagging is a technique that has been in use for years and is especially useful with impaired circulation in diabetic legs, thereby removing the threat of amputation.

Leg And Foot Ozone Bagging

This application is helpful in the treatment of many types of topical infections including:

  • Diabetic Ulcers 
  • Fungal Nail infections 
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Fungal Skin infection 
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Wound healing

Ozone’s anti-microbial effects have been found to be quite effective for treating infections of the skin and nails in clinical research. Fungal infections of the nails have responded better to ozone treatment than standard medical treatment, as well the skin ulcers showing a significant improvement.

How Frequent Are The Treatments?

Usually, 5 times per week, depending on how severe the problem is until the problem abate about 20-30 minutes
There is no pain or pressure buildup with Ozone
Usually 5-10 treatments will be needed .

To book an appointment to seethe a dermatologist or for any MediSpa Treatments.

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